Candidate Response Services

Candidate Response Services

Let’s face it, the current job market sucks. Frustrated candidates feel ignored and disrespected by companies that are hiring. Recruiters are overwhelmed and are not expediently communicating with candidates to close the loop. Employer brands are suffering and causing damage to the overall brand. Candidates in this unstable job market are increasingly becoming more fed up and disillusioned with the recruiting process and are taking their complaints to the Internet.
Graham Talent Group has created a solution to bring the human element back to recruiting and provide some relief to overworked recruiters. With the Recruiter Response Team™ companies outsource their candidate response obligations to Graham Talent Group to close the gap in communication AND preserve their employment brand. Whether candidates have just applied for a position, or they’ve gone through the interview process, Response Agents provide feedback and close the loop with candidates about the disposition of their candidacy.  They give the much needed personal touch that busy Recruiters can’t give and candidates long for.
On average, most positions get at least 50-100 applicants within the first day of posting a position! That number goes up each week the longer a position is left posted. Over worked recruiters have a high number of requisitions that they work on at any given time. They don’t always have the luxury of being able to respond to each and every candidate. But it’s no excuse and can damage an employer’s brand.
The Recruiter Response Team service takes the burden of closing the loop off of recruiters’ plate and gives candidates closure (along with respect and dignity) so they know not only when it’s time to move on, but also what they can do better going forward with other interviews and also leaving the door open to have them come back and apply for opportunities later on. It helps build and strengthen the employment brand and builds good relationships with candidates; possibly turning them into a source for referrals.
Let us help restore your employer brand. Call us for a consultation today.
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